Who is the right person to be a start-up non-executive director (NED)?
By Jordan Green Founders and investors in early-stage start-ups often ask me how to ensure that the right person takes the non-executive Board seat and then delivers the desired value/benefit. The simple, honest answer is you can’t – unless the founder and the nominating shareholders have first set a relevant and shared set of expectations…
How to compensate a start-up NED
By Jordan Green The company is completing its first formal round of investment with funding from Angel investors. The investors want a non-executive director (NED) seat on the Board to help facilitate company growth and success. While the founders have registered themselves as directors as required by ASIC, they have not had a formal Board…
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Australia in Top 10 Startup Ecosystems – Melbourne fastest climbing Australian city in global top 40
Melbourne fastest rising Australian startup city in global top 40
Angels help startup founders perfect their pitch
A poorly designed pitch hurts the founders most of all. Angels help startup founders pitch well.
Advanced manufacturing technology investment by Melbourne Angels
One of the toughest challenges in 3D metal printing has been solved by Australian company 3DM Surface Finishing. When an object is printed in metal it comes out fairly rough and must be smoothed for most applications, usually by machining, grinding, or polishing to achieve a better finish. This is expensive and time consuming. For…
Melbourne Angels finds excitement in Facilities Management!!
So often when we walk into large modern large buildings it is easy to imagine the complex systems and services required to keep the building running smoothly. Things break, things go wrong, building occupants and tenants have myriad day-to-day requests and a huge variety of issues that need to be dealt with, from electricity to…