Australia – Market Size (2018)
The following data is based on ABS figures reported for June 30th 2018. The purpose of this article is to provide a summary context for the big picture of business in Australia. Investors and founders can use this data to quickly check if market analyses, growth claims and similar business plan elements make sense. 2,313,291…
The Truth About Angels
This century has seen the rapid emergence of the start-up ecosystem and the passion for entrepreneurship as a key economic development strategy to address the plateau of growth in developed economies, or to embrace the opportunity in developing economies. All over the world governments and communities are promoting start-up ventures. Success in this space leads…
How to Value a Start Up
Most pre-revenue entrepreneurs determine their company valuation through calculations of Discounted Cash Flow, Net Present Value, or comparisons with the early valuation of already successful companies. Most experienced early-stage investors looking at a pre-revenue company start with a valuation of zero. These two starting points are obviously far apart but, neither is the right answer.…
How Much Money To Raise?
The seesaw for the founders is often about how much money to raise versus the pre-money valuation to use. The right amount of money to raise is usually the amount required to achieve the next inflection point in perceived value of the company. That might be a product launch, a single customer contract, a trigger…
Why Won’t Angel Investors Sign My NDA?
So, you’re an eager founder with the next best thing since sliced bread in your hands and your IP adviser has told you that you must not expose your idea without first securing a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA). Or maybe, it was another adviser or friend who told you to get an NDA to prevent…